Spicy chussies on a stake

Rewarding Extraordinarily Creative Stupidity

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I-T: why is fazal called phajja
fazal haq phajjay ke payay
fazal khalid is phajja
whats the phoentic link
Abdul Wahab bhatti: I, am at a crossroads. But for me, there is only one path
Sent at 2:17 PM on Tuesday
Abdul: in punjabi one would call fazal
I-T: okay
Abdul: and some people call it phazlu
now very few people might call it while talking about phazlu as phazla
I-T: nice one. You made it up didnt you :P
Abdul: nope
phazla as in phazla with a z
punjabi people tend to call z as j
so it becomes phajla
I-T: cool
no one I asked told me this
Abdul: then maybe some one thought it is much easier to call is phajja instead of phajla
that's because i am know what people don't
i know*

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